Freight Handling Level 3

Title of Qualification:
SAQA ID: 57831: National Certificate Freight Handling Level 3

Duration of Qualification:
This programme consists of Fundamental and Elective Unit Standards and will be covered over a period of one year (see breakdown for more information)

Total Number of Credits:137

This qualification will serve to link the NQF Level 2 National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations qualification and the FET Certificate: Generic Management. The current gap in the learning pathway for Wholesale and Retail (W and R) practitioners will be filled by this qualification. It will serve as the second in the Wholesale and Retail Operations learning pathway and provide a basis for further learning. While the qualifying learners will experience personal growth and development, workplace succession planning will be more readily achieved.

The operational process includes; ordering stock, receiving, dispatching, stock control, cash control, sales and marketing and displaying, responsible credit promotion, perishable foods preparation, sales and display and the running of an informal small business.

This qualification will serve to provide the W and R sector with personnel that can perform the operation functions to industry standards, optimise productivity and improve service levels. The qualifying learner will undergo personal development that will contribute to social and economic development. This Qualification reflects workplace-based needs in the wider Freight Handling Industry, both now and for the future. Freight Handling is diverse in its nature, so a fairly wide range of competencies are required by employees. The Qualification aims to provide the foundational and initial skills required for an individual in the industry to handle freight successfully; be an effective team member and undertake those tasks required to contribute to the effective processing of freight

Who is the course intended for?

Learners completing this Qualification, in whatever area of specialization selected, will be able to demonstrate the ability to consider a range of options related to their chosen field in order to make decisions and improve performance around, inter alia, freight handling administration, planning; goods handling, storage, transport planning, and basic freight handling equipment maintenance. The majority of learners for this Qualification are likely to be either unemployed persons wishing to enter the industry, or persons currently working in the greater freight handling sector that wish to improve their skills and enhance their own career path opportunities.

Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning.

Historically within the Freight Handling Industry, most employees have experience, but no formal underpinning knowledge. It is therefore essential to recognise prior learning and the application in the workplace. Therefore, the assessment processes will recognise experience and theoretical knowledge. Portfolios of evidence will be
important contributions to the assessment process.

Course Objectives

The successful candidate will be able to achieve the following outcomes:
1. Understand the principles of the freight handling business in South Africa.
2. Understand the composition of the supply chain in the transport industry.
3. Understand legislated and company-required health, safety, environmental and security practices.
4. Act responsibly when handling freight.