SAQA ID: 101321
OC: Training and Development Practitioner

Title of Qualification:
SAQA ID: 101321 OC: Training and Development Practitioner

Duration of Qualification:
This programme consists of Core; Fundamental and Elective Unit Standards as follows and will be covered over a period of 18 months.

Total Number of Credits: 190

Entry Requirements
Level 4 with Communication. 

  • 242401001-KM-01, The statutory learning and development environment, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-KM-02, Learning and development management functions, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-KM-03, Organisational learning and development needs analysis, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-KM-04, Facilitation of learning in an occupational context, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-KM-05, Assessment principles and practices, Level 5, 4 Credits.
  • 242401001-KM-06, Workplace learning and development planning, evaluation and reporting, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-KM-07, Work based learning, Level 5, 6 Credits.

    Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 50.
  • 242401001-PM-01, Manage and coordinate logistics, facilities and financial resources, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-PM-02, Plan, conduct and report on a learning and development needs analysis, Level 5, 16 Credits.
  • 242401001-PM-03, Plan the delivery of an occupational learning intervention, Level 5, 16 Credits.
  • 242401001-PM-04, Facilitate different methodologies, training styles and techniques within an occupational learning context, Level 5, 12 Credits.
  • 242401001-PM-05, Facilitate experiential work based learning, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-PM-06, Plan and conduct the assessment of learner competencies, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-PM-07, Evaluate the impact of learning within an occupational context, Level 5, 8 Credits.

    Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 76.
  • 242401001-WM-01, Conduct learning and development management practices, Level 5, 12 Credits.
  • 242401001-WM-02, Conduct skills development facilitation (SDF) processes as required for mandatory grant payments, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-WM-03, Conduct learning and development planning and implementation processes, Level 5, 12 Credits.
  • 242401001-WM-04, Facilitate an occupational learning session, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-WM-05, Facilitate a work based learning and development process, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-WM-06, Conduct assessments of learner competence, Level 5, 8 Credits.
  • 242401001-WM-07, Conduct an evaluation of the impact of learning within an occupational context, Level 5, 8 Credits.

    Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 64.

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Learning and Development Practitioner.

A Learning and Development Practitioner plans, writes learning objectives, selects and adapts learning resources required for the delivery of learning interventions, and facilitates learning in an occupational context.

A qualified learner will be able to:

  • Co-ordinate learning within an occupational context.
  • Establish and refine learning and development needs within occupational contexts.
  • Conceptualise, plan and implement occupationally relevant learning and development interventions.
  • Facilitate learning in a variety of occupational contexts.
  • Evaluate the impact of learning and development interventions within an occupational context.