SAQA ID: 83946 (LP 23654)
National Certificate: Management Level 3
Title of Qualification:
SAQA ID: 83946 (LP 23654) National Certificate: Management Level 3
Duration of Qualification:
This programme consists of Fundamental and Elective Unit Standards as follows and will be covered over a period of one year
Total Number of Credits:122
Module Module 1 – Communication

Module 2 - Numeracy

Module 3 – Team Performance

Module 4 – Management and Operations

The purpose of the qualification is to build the knowledge and skills required by employees in junior management who have had schooling below NQF level 3. It is intended to empower learners to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate confidently as junior managers in the South African community and to respond to the challenges of the economic environment and changing world of work. As a qualification that covers management, it provides a framework for learners to develop competencies that will enable them to become competent junior managers. It introduces some theoretical concepts, requires the application of a limited base of
knowledge and requires a well-developed range of skills that will enable learners to be informed workers in their chosen industry. It provides a balanced learning experience that allows flexible access to further education, lifelong learning, higher education and to productive employment in a range of occupational contexts. It provides an
opportunity for learners to learn and apply academic skills in relation to management and will provide them with skills to adapt to changes in work procedures and processes in business and industry. The qualification at this level is generic so as to allow maximum mobility between industries. Skills, knowledge, values and attitudes reflected in the qualification are building blocks that will be developed further at NQF level 4.
Who is the course intended for?
The qualification is intended for junior managers of business units in medium to large organisations. The term business unit in this qualification implies a cost centre, section or department. It is envisaged that learners who complete this qualification will be engaged in multiple work roles in a variety of organisations and will be able to play a part, at their level, in the implementing of the vision and contributing ultimately to the success of an organisation.
Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning
Learning assumed to be in place:
The unit standards that make up the certificate are the building blocks of knowledge and skill that are necessary for the National Certificate in Generic Management: Level 4. It is assumed that learners are competent in communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 2.
Recognition of Prior Learning:
The National Certificate in Generic Management Level 3 allows open access. Provision has been made for prior learning to be recognised if a learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this qualification.
Qualifying learners should be capable of:
• Co-ordinating with others.
• Making significant choices from a wide range of procedures.
• Operating in a number of contexts.
• Making comparisons.
• Performing junior management functions.
• Maintaining records.
• Carrying out simple research and tasks.
• Interpreting current affairs related to a specific business sector.
• Recognising the effect of HIV/AIDS on the specific workplace, business sub-sector and own organisation.
• Applying knowledge of self and team to enhance team performance.
• Managing time and the work process.
• Explaining the structure of an organisation.
• Conducting a formal meeting.
• Inducting a new member of a team.
• Motivating a team.
• Describing the management function of an organisation.