Supply Chain Management Level 5
Title of Qualification:
SAQA ID: 74149 National Certificate: Supply Chain Management Level 5
(This Qualification consists of two specialisations and the credits can be seen below)
Specialisation 1: National Certificate: Supply Chain Management: Purchasing/Procurement Supply- 152 Credits
Specialisation 2: National Certificate: Supply Chain Management: Strategic Supply chain Management-155 credits
Duration of Qualification: This programme consists of Fundamental and Elective Unit Standards as follows and will be covered over a period of one year
Total Number of Credits: See breakdown Above
Supply chain management (Specialization 1): Purchasing and procurement and supply (152 Credits)
Module 1:

Module 2:

Module 3:

Supply chain management (Specialization 2): Strategic Supply chain Management (156 Credits)
Module 1:

Module 2:

Module 3:

This Qualification aims to provide learners with the competencies required to engage in the processes and inter-relationships across the supply chain to create sustainable value for organisations. This qualification is aimed at overcoming the traditional functional approach to operations and management, and at fostering supply chain integration to the advantage of all stakeholders. The National Treasury developed competency profiles for the Public Sector in terms of supply chain management. This qualification meets some of those Public Sector needs and is also suitable for the private sector.
This qualification has therefore been designed to address these demands as well as support the competencies required in the key areas of supply chain management that were identified within the greater industry yielding the following elective areas:
• Purchasing and Supply.
• Strategic Supply Chain Management.
• Distribution.
• Materials/Logistics Management.
• Disposal Management.
• Public Service
Who is this course intended for?
The target groups for this qualification are people working within operational to middle management positions within the various processes of the supply chain or those who are aspiring for such positions. Learners who have, in the past, held a supervisory position within the various supply chain processes are most likely to find the qualification applicable to them.
Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning
Learners accessing this Qualification should be competent in:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the supply chain management environment within an organisation.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of performance and risk within a supply chain management environment.
3. Contribute to the development of a supply chain strategy and operational plans for the organisation.
4. Manage the execution of a supply chain strategy for the organisation.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognizing that skills development in banks will in any case be specific to specific learners, rather than rigid career paths, which in any case appear to be rapidly disappearing in banking, the same philosophy requires that this qualification will be so designed as to accommodate as far as possible recognition of whatever skills the learner will need to acquire both now and in the future. The structure of this unit standards-based qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning possible. This qualification may therefore be achieved in part through the recognition of prior learning, which includes formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience. The learner should be thoroughly briefed on the mechanism to be used and RPL assessors should provide support and guidance. Care should be taken that the mechanism used provides the learner with an opportunity to demonstrate
competence and is not so onerous as to prevent learners from taking up the RPL option towards gaining a qualification.
If the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this qualification and/or unit standards, the appropriate credits should be assigned to the learner. Recognition of Prior Learning will be done by means of Integrated Assessment as mentioned above.
Course Objectives
On achieving this Qualification, the learner will:
• Have knowledge of the procedures for stock and fixed asset control
• Apply such knowledge and maintain the appropriate registers
• Ensure that employees have the resources they need on an on-going basis through efficiently ordering and distributing stationery and other requirements
• Develop Administrative systems together with other employees
• Improve organisational effectiveness,
• Manage service providers
• Be an effective employee in the Administrative section of an organisation
• Be aware of how fraud can be present in an office environment and assisting in its control
• Display Cultural awareness in dealing with customers and colleagues and utilising the differences in a positive way to enhance the effectiveness and image of the organisation.
• Identify and solve work related problems together with others in the section
• Apply efficient time management processes, procedures and techniques
• Be an effective member of a team
• Become a knowledge worker